About TELCOIN $TEL, the cryptocurrency token for mobile telecom operators

and best in class $TEL coin for TELEPHONES !

TELCOIN is a digital asset token, with $TEL as its memorable famous ticker.

It is primary designed to be sent easily over mobile phones and cash-out legally through licensed mobile money platform at destination side from the special purpose TELcoin app.

TELcoin inc. intends to widely distribute $TEL through partnerships with Mobile Telecom Operators or with licensed Mobile Financial Services providers.

$TEL can also be exchanged on CryptoCurrency Exchanges .

$TEL coins can be instantly and simply sent to any mobile phone number worldwide using the on-purpose TELcoin app !

Send Money Smarter directly to your Friends and Family mobile numbers abroad, just using your TELCoin app which will simply use your phonebook when you send them $TEL !

You turn now to have them discover $TEL ! You are welcome to also recommend them this website ;+)

Directly purchase TELcoins or convert faster other altcoins anytime, to now credit your mobile Wallet address


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