Instantly SWAP ANY CRYPTO from your phone

GET $TEL coins and your first wallet address EASY on your mobile phone, within MINUTES !

1. Download the official latest TELCOIN APP (v2.3.1 or latest release) from your mobile ( Android or iOS ) Beware: IF YOUR COUNTRY is not LIVE ALREADY with TELCOIN latest app, visit this page first.


2. Install and launch the chosen APP on your smartphone, to set your mobile number required by TELCOIN (in case of TELCOIN app)

3. Confirm code sent by SMS to your mobile number (TELCOIN app)

4. Your TELCOIN mobile wallet is now directly linked to your mobile number thanks to TELCOIN mobile app

5. Go through the compulsory KYC process required on TELCOIN mobile app

6. Activate your TELCOIN mobile wallet by choosing a Secret activation code (THAT YOU SECURELY STORE IN A SAFE PLACE FOR FURTHER REFERENCE)

7. Your TELCOIN wallet address, and its base QRcode, are visible in TELCOIN app by clicking on the small qrcode logo

8. Go to SWAP.TEL to purchase TELcoins or to SWAP any crypto for TELcoin $TEL, using your mobile TELcoin wallet address as destination address on this SWAP.TEL page

9. Verify within seconds in you your TELCOIN App now set live on your mobile, your new Balance now with TELCOIN credits instanlty received (or alternatively , on COINOMI app if you decided to set COINOMI mobile app in the meantime your country is activated by TELCOIN for TELCOIN app usage

You are now ready to hold TELcoins or SEND $TEL or other cryptocurrencies (TELCOIN app v3 release). You can send money smarter using $TEL only from TELCOIN app! SEND MONEY Smarter worldwide through TELCOINs remit and legit cash out and let your friends and family know it on social networks!

You can indeed send some TELcoins to mobile numbers of Friends and Family abroad with this TELCOIN mobile app NOW !

-If your FaFs do not have a mobile wallet for TELCOIN yet, tell them they can download the suitable APP anytime too, even after being notified of awaiting TELCOINs reception if you sent $TEL to them using TELCOIN app (only in this case)!

-If you already hold bitcoins or altcoins, SWAP some into TELCOINs and deposit them directly into your new TELCOIN mobile wallet address attached to your mobile number as seen above.

This no-brainer, easy-to-remember Swap.TEL website allows to directly buy TELcoins or convert easily altcoins into TELcoins, to fast credit anytime a Mobile TELCOIN Wallet, including yours, from any mobile phone !

Enjoy ! SWAP.TEL mentions and credits are welcomed !

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