SWAP.TEL FAQs: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

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1. TELCOIN is a digital asset , with $TEL representing its ticker (and also the gTld extension of this memorable SWAP.TEL website !). TEL coin has been primary designed to be sent easily over mobile phones and be cashed-out through mobile money platforms at destination side, thanks to partnerships with Mobile Operators, with licensed eWallet Service Providers or Mobile Financial Services Providers.

2. A digital TOKEN is a digital asset which can be exchanged between holders of digital accounts. Some value can be attached to digital token and may vary over time. You can purchase digital tokens on-line , store them, transfer them instantly over any distance by electronic mean, as well as exchange or convert them into other token or other tangible assets, units, coins ... or fiat currencies trough registered operators or through automated trading platforms.

3. Yes , transactions and exchange settlements in TELcoin units are registered in a consensual and very robust way to preserve known TELcoin token quantity and their intrinsic value, avoiding unauthorized digital duplication. This is a major advantage of Blockchain technologies, on the contrary to other methods used in traditional finance and accounting with may allow unfortunately possible expansion and progressive duplication of volume of units in circulation, endangering intrinsic value of each unit... although the latest are methods sometimes used by governments and central financial authorities however for so-called fiat currencies (see Quantitative Easing, Helicopter money, etc, ;+)

4. From a TECHNICAL point of view, $TEL COINs are ERC20 digital token, which transactions are operated over Ethereum protocol and registered in a unique and very fast way on a universal ledger thanks to TELCOIN blockchain .

5. TELCOIN as a company, is registered as TELCOIN PTE Ltd. in Singapore and has registred offices with License in multiple countries. TELCOIN PTE Ltd is the sole issuer of TELCOIN tokens and has been sticking to a compliancy-first stategy for international development. TELCOIN PTE Ltd is also the editor and operator of the TELCOIN blockchain, and does manage, support, and guarantee its daily operation. TELCOIN staff is an international team, initially based in their head office in Tokyo, Japan, and operates at international level from there thanks to pro-cryptocurrency environment in Japan. TELCOIN has also offices in Dubai, Australia, is also registered in Canada. TELCOIN built in 2020 a larger development team in L.A. Ca, USA, and is applying for a Digital Asset Bank charter in Nebraska.

6. TELcoin token can be TRADED on online platforms named EXCHANGEs , which guarantee accessibility to the digital token, availability in volume aka liquidity, and more importantly , offer instant interoperability with so called "fiat" currency systems and financial systems worldwide under 24-hours a day trading. TELcoin has also bridged over Blockchain, its $TEL coin with other known cryptocurrencies to guarantee even more liquidity and to offer paid price stability when needed during some financial transactions typically like remittances, although TELcoin remittances flight time is no longer than two seconds for overseas transactions.

7. It is possible to STORE your TELCOIN tokens online with a web account on EXCHANGEs , or directly yourself , through any basic smartphone after installation of the dedicated user friendly TELCOIN mobile app available for Android and iOS , or through other mobile multi coin wallets supporting $TEL. TELCOIN tokens can be also stored under a physical manner, also named cold storage.

8. To obtain, hold, or receive TELCOIN tokens, you need an electronic wallet dedicated to the TELCOIN token like the on-purpose TELcoin app, or at least a general purpose digital wallet supporting $TEL along side to other cryptocurrencies with is the case of COINOMI. The TELcoin app , from its v3 release, is also supporting other cryptocurrencies alternative to $TEL. Such self custody crypto wallet do represent a suitable unique electronic address for unique identification during any transaction of the TELCOIN blockchain ledger. You can freely obtain such compatible electronic wallet by several manners.

9. You can ask also your Mobile Money Operator about TELCOIN as he might have already included TELcoin electronic wallet in his mobile money platform for you to benefit from receiving instant international remittances legally without spending time going an queuing at specific kiosques. Alternatively, you can freely create an electronic wallet associated to your mobile phone number provided your phone is Android or iOS compatible. The Official TELCOIN mobile wallet App is edited , provided and supported by TELCOIN PTE Ltd.

10. You should now download and install the official mobile app for TELCOIN on your smartphone if your country is listed as a TELCOIN activate LIVE countries for remittances, regularly adding new ones. When you first launch the TELCOIN app, this will create FREE your TELCOIN mobile wallet, uniquely associated to your mobile number under its international format.

It is possible however to receive and send $TEL from alternative wallets like the general purpose multi coin wallet COINOMI especially in the case you would like to acquire and hold easily some TELCOIN $TEL ahead of your country is open by TELcoin for its TELcoin app.

11. Activation Code, definition : in the case of the mobile TELCOIN application, the Activation Code is the code sent to you over SMS by TELCOIN as soon as you install the TELCOIN mobile app on your smartphone . This code to be entered at first activation of your mobile TELCOIN wallet, enables unique recognition and association of your mobile telephone number , with your new TELCOIN electronic account created, identified by its unique Wallet Address.

12. Wallet Address : this is a long chain of characters that identifies in a unique way a digital account capable of holding TELCOINs. Credits or Debits of TELCOIN tokens, do use ETHEREUM blockchain technology to register in a general ledger, the two wallet addresses that are involved within each Telcoin transfer, between one originating wallet sending $TEL , to the destination wallet address receiving the $TEL sent.

13. Secret Code, definition : it is the specific unique 6-digit code that you register-in on TELCOIN mobile app after activation of your account. You should memorize and never forget your secret code entered, as it would be requested later next time to allow you to securely access again to your TELCOIN account associated by TELCOIN to your mobile number or to transfer TELcoins assets. User therefore needs to keep this secret code in a secure place as it allows to debit and send TELCOINs from his mobile account which holds his TELCOINs token, to a destination TELcoin account.

14. CASH OUT : this is the operation of converting an electronic token into some fiat money, generally into the national currency in use locally. You can typically cash out in Philippines now with GCash , or at any of the +12000 agents of PayMAYA. GCash is a major mobile wallet that already accepts remittance from TELCOIN token. You can visit and ask your nearest Mobile Money agent nearby whether he already supports money remittance by TELCOIN international transfer. At present time of update of this page, $TEL can be cashed-out legally at 23 mobile money systems. TELcoin is regularly adding new licensed mobile money partners for legal cash out of $TEL so you rather check regularly for update for your country.

15. Mobile Money : a digital token generally distributed and exchanged by some mobile telecom operator between mobile electronic accounts attached to mobile phone numbers identifying his mobile subscribers on his mobile network. This token is managed under a mobile telecom operator license and under an electronic money license in the said country. In some countries, due to local legislation it might be real specific bank accounts, or also credit card accounts, that are directly accessed by the mobile money operator to perform mobile money operations. Units and subdivision of Mobile Money in a given country are expressed in same units and subdivisions of the national currency used in the country. Each Mobile telecom Operator guarantees, supports and monitors any payments made by, or transfer between, its subscribers with such mobile money tokens. Each Mobile Network Operator guarantees as well anytime any exchange between his Mobile Money tokens and the equivalent value in national fiat currency. In general this is performed in relation with a regular (incumbent) financial authorized body, like a partner Bank, under an agreement signed between the mobile network operator and the financial partner in accordance with financial regulation in the said country. Some mobile operators also acquired a banking license themselves when available to operate themselves without dependencies.

16. Mobile money platform : this is a combined Software and Hardware system for mobile digital token management which is generally integrated into the mobile telecom network managed by the mobile telecom operator, and in some rare cases, by some Full Mobile Virtual Network Operator. Mobile Money Platform enables mobile telco to perform credit and debit operations of electronic tokens on electronic accounts which are uniquely linked to individual mobile phone numbers and to the user identity registered for that mobile number. Mobile Network Operators handle the Exchange and interoperability between  their digital token and the counterpart amount in local currency. Mobile operators are in charge of KYC and AML process in relation to the mobile money account granted to their subscribers. In some countries, their mobile money platform might be directly interconnected to the Core Banking System from some partner Bank. Well-known examples of mobile money platforms from mobile operators are named m-Pesa, MTN Money, Mobiflouss, Mobicash, Orange Money , Digimoney, AIrtel Money. In Philippines, Globe,  SMART, have launched their Mobile Money platforms typically aka GCash and SmartMoney. PayMAYA is also already available in Philippines as a Mobile e-Wallet compliant with Mobile money payment services. GCash was the first public Live partner of TELCOIN to support from March 2021, mobile cash-out of instant TELcoin remittances direct into Filipino Peso.

17. Cash out into Mobile Money : Users of TELcoin mobile wallet have the possibility to directly receive in some Mobile Money account managed by smart mobile operator, the amount of value expressed in the national currency and corresponding to the value of telcoin assets received on their mobile , calculated at the rate of exchange between TELCOIN token and local currency. Some service fee may apply from the mobile network operator partnering with TELCOIN for the local conversion at destination into their private mobile money wallet. GCash and PayMAYA wallet accepts in Philippines, TELCOIN conversion into filipino peso PhPESO. Fourteen new countries ar supporting direct mobile cash out into Mobile Money wallet locally. You may ask directly your nearest Mobile Money Agent on how to benefit from international instant money remittances, also called remesas or remits, using TELCOIN $TEL token for instant mobile-first, with extra low fee remittance. You can introduce him to this SWAP.TEL website for him to tell you which mobile telecom operator support $TEL in your country and to find a way to help you.

18. Sending Money : International Money Transfer using Telcoin $TEL token is very fast, within seconds. Transfer of TELCOIN tokens between TELcoin accounts might not be restricted by laws in any country, and both sides can use official TELCOIN mobile app when available, or alternative mobile app supporting $TEL like COINOMI to send TELcoin tokens to each other and especially to Friends and Family abroad or to any registred user. When using genuine TELCOIN app, things are much simpler as the TELCOIN app use receiver's mobile phone number per default as the destination address for $TEL transfer ! Other Mobile apps although supporting $TEL your side, need you to know and input your counterpart wallet address as an external address known to support TELCOIN $TEL token, to enable you to send $TEL that can be received by your correspondent. Cashing out TELCOINs into local currency has to be compliant with local regulation of money Exchange or mobile money on one hand. Cashing out TELCOIN token into regulated Mobile Money Platforms operated by Mobile Telcos is safer, smarter , faster, and cheapest way to cash out in full compliancy with local regulations into local currency. Ask your local operator or its Mobile Money Agents how to convert your TELCOIN token into mobile money on their platform you already use. In all cases you may ask your nearest Mobile Moeny (MoMo) agent down the street how to proceed, he might be willing to find a way to help you. Any user can download ahead TELCOIN mobile app on its smartphone to send and receive TELCOIN tokens, or other mobile app known to perfectly support $TEL token like COINOMI.

19. Remittance : international money transfer , aka cross border transfer from one country to another country, are done by a person to the benefit of another person, generally a family member or a friend abroad. Costs and delays of incumbent international remittances are high, while TELCOIN remittances are intantly performed into mobile money platforms at cheaper fees with a maximun of 2.5% , sometimes less. When not using TELCOIN token, it may take a long time before remittances receivers can practically cash out at a local agent shop they have to find and go to.

20. Sending Money Smarter overseas after using SWAP.TEL : purchase TELCOINs and send some of them instantly to your Friends and Family using TELCOIN mobile app and their mobile money partners in countries of destination.

You can now send some TELcoins to your Friends and Family mobile numbers worldwide safely using TELCOIN app ! Alternatively you may use apps known to safely support $TEL sending and receiving :

-If they do not yet have a wallet for TELCOINs, they can download the TELCOIN APP after being notified of pending TELCOINs reception ! Altenratively they can download and activate COINOMI app prior to TELCOIN activation in their country

-If you already hold some bitcoins or other altcoins, convert some into TELCOINs if your Exchange now support TELCOIN and deposit them directly into your new TELCOIN wallet address attached uniquely to your mobile number as seen above.

-You can also always open an account online at known independent EXCHANGEs which support TELCOIN token and already trade them against BITCOIN, ETHEREUM, or other Altcoins. By doing so, you can also then transfer TELCOINs from EXCHANGES directly into any mobile wallet which address as seen above, although this might be more appropriate to larger amounts due to outbound transfer costs from EXCHANGES .

More simple and often cheaper, always use SWAP.TEL to directly BUY or convert faster altcoins anytime into TELCOINs onto your Mobile Wallet holding your TELCOIN $TEL


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